Nov 27, 2015

Gempa Peru-Brasil

Perbatasan Peru dan Brasil Diguncang Gempa 7,6 SR

By, Lima - Bumi di perbatasan Peru dengan Brasil terguncang kuat. Menurut laporan United States Geological Survey (USGS) atau Badan Survei Geologi AS, kekuatan gempanya 7,6 skala Richter (SR).
Dari Peru Geophysic Institute, gempa tercatat berkekuatan 7,3 SR, diikuti lindu susulan sekuat 7,2 SR.
Lima menit kemudian, lindu susulan terjadi. Gempa pertama tercatat sekitar pukul 17.45. Sejauh ini belum ada laporan korban jiwa maupun cedera.
Menurut El Comercio yang dikutip dari Peru This Week, Rabu (25/11/2015), gempa yang pertama dirasakan beberapa kota. Termasuk Lima, Arequipa, Tacna, Pucallpa, Chiclayo, Cusco, Oxapampa, Moyobamba, Yurimaguas, Bagua dan kota-kota di Bolivia, Argentina dan Chile.
USGS menginformasikan bahwa kedua gempa berpusat pada kedalaman sekitar 600 km. Namun episentrum kedua lindu terpisah jarak 50 km.
Pihak berwenang Ucayali mengatakan kepada El Comercio bahwa gempa bumi tersebut sempat membuat para penduduk ketakutan, tapi belum ada laporan kerusakan.
"Gempa susulan melanda kawasan Amazon. Tidak ada kerusakan dilaporkan," kata Kepala Layanan Darurat Peru, Alfredo Murgueytio seperti dilansir dari AOL.
Seorang wakil dari perusahaan tambang Southern Copper, salah satu produsen tembaga terbesar Peru terletak di Southern Peru mengatakan, juga tak ada kerusakan di area pertambangan tersebut.
Peru adalah produsen nomor 3 tembaga dunia.
Beberapa warga di kota Brasil, Brasileia, sekitar 153,5 mil (247 km) barat dari pusat gempa, mengungkapkan kepada Reuters bahwa mereka merasa tanah bergetar dan kursi serta meja terguncang selama gempa.
Namun, sejauh ini belum ada laporan korban jiwa dan keruakan. (Tnt)*

Sumber : LIPUTAN 6 COM

Visitor geology: Earthquake Peru-Brazil

The border of Peru and Brazil Rocked Earthquake 7.6 SR

on 25 Nov 2015 at 11:45 WIB

Lokasi gempa di perbatasan Peru dan Brasil. ( El Comercio)
Location of the earthquake on the border of Peru and Brazil. (El Comercio), Lima - Earth on the border of Peru with Brazil shaken strongly. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) or the US Geological Survey, the strength of the quake his 7.6 on the Richter scale (SR).
From Peru Geophysic Institute, the quake registered magnitude 7.3 SR, followed by aftershocks as strong as the 7.2 magnitude earthquake.
Five Minutes later, earthquake aftershocks occurred. The first quake was recorded around 17:45. So far there has been no report of casualties or injuries.
According to El Comercio quoted from Peru This Week, Wednesday (25/11/2015), the first quake felt some cities. Including Lima, Arequipa, Tacna, Pucallpa, Chiclayo, Cusco, Oxapampa, Moyobamba, Yurimaguas, Bagua and cities in Bolivia, Argentina and Chile,
the USGS informs that the second quake was centered at a depth of about 600 km. But the epicenter of the earthquake apart a distance of 50 km.
Authorities Ucayali told El Comercio that the earthquake had made ​​the residents of fear, but there are no reports of damage.
"The aftershocks struck the Amazon region. No damage was reported," said Chief of Emergency Services Peru Alfredo Murgueytio as reported by AOL. A representative of the mining company Southern Copper, one of the largest copper producer Peru is located in Southern Peru said, also there was no damage in the area of the mine. Peru is a manufacturer number 3 the world's copper. Some residents in the Brazilian city , Brasileia, about 153.5 miles (247 km) west of the epicenter, told Reuters that they felt the ground shake and chairs and desks shook during the quake. However, so far there has been no report of casualties and keruakan. (Tnt) * Source: SPOT 6 COM

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